
"Persian Descent" ... What exactly does it mean?

Last night I went to Carnegie Hall and had pleasure to listen to works written by Shubert and Shuman performed by young and extremely talented artist - Mr. Nasiri.

The minute I saw him I realized that he is either Israeli, Armenian or Iranian. He could be from any country south of Russia for that matter.

Turns out, the program just say that he was born in "California to parents of Persian descent".

Here is map of Persian Kingdom at its greatest time -

It includes Libya and Egypt, its eastern borders are next to India. On south, it has Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea and on North it includes what later will become Macedonia, Armenia, Caspian Mountains, Partia and Aria.

Persia's conquest by Islamic Arab armies took place and marks the transition into "medieval" Persia between years 643 and 650, long after the birth of Persian civilization (3200–2700 BCE)

To make the very long story short, Persian Descent means a lot more than just to be Iranian, which today is considered to be such politically incorrect term, that talented musician has to hide his parents national identity!

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